Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Encouragers Co-op Policies

1. Encouragers Cooperative is a not-for-profit entity run by a board of directors.

2. The goal of Encouragers is to offer a variety of affordable enrichment classes for Christian homeschooling families to benefit from spritually, socially and academically.

3. For liability purposes as well as the fact that Encouragers is a cooperative entity, ALL parents are required to stay on campus during the entire time their children are attending classes. Parents are also required to fulfill certain duties for the co-op to run smoothly. These include, but are not limited to, set up, clean up, and being assigned as a class helper where needed.

4. New families must attend the fall registration orientation.

Parent Responsibility

1. Our co-op is run by the large and small efforts of all involved. Parental help is vital and appreciated. 

2. Parents agree to either help in a class or to faciliate one. Even if a student is enrolled in only one class, a parent is expected to help in a class, or to faciliate one. It is a priority that we have two adults in every class. If a parent does not find a class to assist in you will be assigned one. Classes with younger children and/or more than 6-8 children may have more helpers as needed.

3. Parents agree to do their part for setup/cleanup of the facility. Parents are expected to sign up for a specific number of cleaning duties each semester.

General Co-op Rules and Guidelines

1. A parent of child(ren) in nursery through twelfth grade must be present at all times on the church grounds while their children are attending Encouragers Co-op. The Co-op is run by parents serving as class leaders and helpers and without sufficient staffing the Co-op cannot operate. We understand that during the Co-op yearly cycle unusual situations may arise for families. Please know we will consider those on a case by case basis. Our goal is to ensure the smooth operation of the Co-op for all families and be a support to each other in the process.

2. On class day, should an emergency arise, the parent must designate a responsible adult in writing and give the note to a board member. We hope this does not happen regularly, so please do your best to plan ahead. Again, we need to ensure the smooth operation of the classes and safety for all children and also support our teachers.

3. Absence and Sick Policy for Class Facilitators and Volunteers:

 *If you will be absent or late for the start of your scheduled Co-op duties, please email or text a Board Member as early as possible so that a replacement can be provided in your absence. Each parent is responsible for communicating any absences. If miscommunication becomes a regular occurrence after discussion with a board member, a family may be asked to not return to classes. We need to know if you plan to be absent or if you are just running late.

*Sick children are not to be brought to Co-op under any circumstances. If the parent is a class leader/teacher but needs to care for an ill child at home, a substitute parent will be called in to facilitate the class for that day or the class may be canceled.

4. Parking at the church is allowed in the parking lots and side lots.

5. Unregistered children may not be brought to Co-op without first obtaining permission from a board member and must fill out and sign a liability waiver. At all times, the student guests must stay with and be supervised by the adult who brought them to Co-op. Guests are not to be brought into the classrooms of other teachers as this is disruptive to the class, and teachers are not prepared for additional, unexpected students.

6. Running is not allowed in or near the sanctuary, classrooms, or in the hallway, because it can cause accidents or unwanted falls. It is also disruptive to any classes in session.

7. If a student becomes disruptive during class time, the class helper will notify the parent and escort the child to the parent lounge to remain until the end of that class.

8. Please make sure your children do not bring any sharp or potentially harmful objects with them to Co-op, such as pocket knives, vaping accessories, illegal drugs or paraphenalia. These items are not allowed and will be confiscated if brought to co-op.

9. A playground monitor will be assigned for safety reasons. There must be adult supervision whenever children are on the playground.

10. Children are allowed to play outside on the play structures. At no time are children allowed on or near the rock areas, as there may be snakes including rattlesnakes, in these areas. It is very important that parents make their children aware of this danger.

11. Parents must have their child(ren) registered in a class unless the parent has the child with them. Children will not be allowed to wander the campus unsupervised. Children are not allowed in the nursery area, unless accompanied by a parent. Students and parents who wish to use the nursery classrooms as a quiet space or study hall must RSVP for the class period they would like to use the space for on the sheet posted on the classroom door.